


Touch is everything

It is the usual drill tonight.  

9pm start at Goffs School sports hall for a cricket practicing frenzy. The session will last for one hour and all players will be charged £3. 

Time has more or less run out on the practice front as we only have two sessions left before the season proper gets underway. The last two sessions will be all about making sure that the batsmen are in as good as touch as possible and that the bowlers are hammering away at a consistent line and length. 

Depending on final numbers we may well give the batsmen an extended bat, which may mean that some bowlers may get limited time with the bat or no time at all. But as we found out last year, we must have batsmen scoring runs so that we can at least get competitive with established club sides. 

If you have not paid your shirt money it will be another opportunity to hand over the £15.

By Jim Downing

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Batting is crucial