


Pay up !

The new club shirts are on order and will be with us in the near future. Paul has kindly lashed out a large amount of cash as the speed of the order was vital if we are to have any chance of getting them in time for the first game.

Therefore it is very important that we collect the money as quickly as possible so that Paul is not out of pocket for too long.

We had intended to use the old Rosaneri football bank account for players to transfer the cash electronically. But it has been inactive for so long that Barclays have closed it !

So realistically we now need cash. Please get your £15 to either Nick or Jim as soon as possible. (This is for those who are likely to pop up at nets over the next couple of weeks.)

For those who live further away, please email myself or Nick and we can either arrange a Bank transfer or you can send a cheque.

By Jim Downing

Click on image to enlarge..
Paul handed the cash over to some bloke in a motorway service station