


Five, four, three, two, one......

There are only 5 net sessions left before we go into battle for 2009. 

That should be ringing alarm bells for everyone, never mind those who have not really got into the rhythm of winter nets yet. 

Tonight’s session at Goffs School in Cheshunt begins at 9pm and will last for one hour, with all participants being charged £3. 

By now bowlers should be coming to an end of any experiments and now be settling down into a pattern of consistency ready for the season’s curtain raiser. 

The batsmen should feel confident in their defence and should by now feel in good touch with the season just round the corner. 

All practice is vital, so let’s not waste the session tonight and really use it to move forward as a group.



By Jim Downing

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The countdown is on
Only five...Ah ah ah