


Let's start working towards that opening game

Tonight is net night. 

Perhaps more of our squad need to mark their diary for a few more Wednesdays in advance, as last week we only had 5 show up !                    

Ok, there will always be things crop up, and reasons why individuals can’t make it, but we must start knuckling down so that we can hit the ground running in April. 

A couple of nets between now and the start of the season will blow the cobwebs off, but it will not help you improve your game. The real effort has to take place now, and then you will move yourself to that higher level. 

The session starts at 9pm at Goffs School in Cheshunt, and all players will be charged £3. 

Turning up at 8.50pm will assist in securing the correct number of lanes and getting things set up.

By Jim Downing

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Time to work hard