


We need to set the date

We need to name the date for the Club’s AGM as soon as possible to enable as many players and supporters to attend as possible.

An open debate to help establish the date is now underway on the forum. Please join in the debate as soon as possible to have your say.

We need to be sensible and realise that the date chosen will not suit everyone, but the open consultation on the forum will give everyone a fair chance to get involved and shape the future of the club.

Once the date has been established we will publish an agenda as soon as possible to give everyone a good chance to get their thoughts together on the subjects up for debate.

Between now and the date of the AGM there will also be constant topics on the forum for pre AGM discussion. The idea of these pre debates is to save time on the night of the AGM and let the majority of the time be dedicated to the “Big Issues”.

By Jim Downing

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We need a date