


End of season meal

Ok, a decision has finally been made and the end of season meal and presentation night will take place on FRIDAY the 14th of NOVEMBER.

The debate on the forum seemed to last forever, but a date to suit most was eventually identified. Of course not everyone will be happy, but we could have gone round in circles until we became one of those companies that end up having their Christmas meal in February !

The next big debate though will be where we go and what we eat !

Everyone connected with the club is welcome to attend, and the night promises to be filled with cricket chat and banter from start to finish.

As usual the Golden Fielder trophy will be presented, but this year we will also see a few new awards and trophies as well.

Please start to have a think about your preference for the venue, and also what you would style of restaurant you would prefer. This is all open to suggestion and no doubt the debate will begin shortly on the forum.

For those who didn’t attend last year, we usually start off in a nice pub, then go for the meal and presentation, before Nick drags the hard core at the end of the evening off to a back street boozer to finish with a night cap.

By Jim Downing

Click on image to enlarge..
Now we have to decide the restaurant
The Golden Fielder trophy will be presented