


Thumbs up for excellent tea

The setting in The Cotswolds was perfect, but how did the tea rate ?

The votes were very wide in their range, but they were totalled and averaged to give a rating of 7.44. Which meant The Cotswold’s tea agonisingly missed out on going into the table in 3rd place by 0.01.

The quantity on offer was plentiful to say the least as there was even enough for spectators help themselves. The sandwiches were very good and there was a nice selection of healthy options.

There was an excellent selection of cakes and a good old fashioned pot of tea. The cold drink option also went down well as many were wilting in the heat of battle.

If one particular voter had not been so harsh, this tea could have easily taken top spot.

The top 4:


Ave. Points

Botany Bay


North Weald




The Cotswolds



By Jim Downing

Click on image to enlarge..
Cotswolds come up trumps