


Two months and counting

The start of the 2008 season is now just over 2 months away.

But the big question is, "Are you ready ?"

Not only do you need to be ready in terms of being in touch with net practice, but you also need to be ready in terms of physical fitness. If we are to raise our collective standard for 2008 we need to be up to it physically.

Bowling long spells in timed matches will take it out of even the most fit members of the squad, and the difference between winning and losing could easily come down to our physical powers.

The batsman also need to be very aware of their fitness as being unfit could easily turn 3 runs into 2 runs because they feel out of breath when turning for the 3rd.

We are not talking about everyone going gym crazy, but we can all do something to improve the level of fitness where we are right now. Why not walk up stairs instead of taking a lift, or walking during your lunch break rather than reading a paper.

Every little helps, and it could make the difference between us having an average or brilliant season.

By Jim Downing

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Getting fit doesn't have to be hard work
Always take the stairs