


Net start pushed back

Dramatic news has filtered through to rock the club in its pre season preparations.

An email arrived late last night to inform us that the opening of the new net facilities in Sawbridgeworth have been put back by 2 weeks.

Work is still continuing on the site, with the weather pre Christmas being blamed for the delay in completing the work. The new building is water tight and it is the final internal fit that has put the completion date back. 

This basically means that winter nets will now not start until Wednesday the 6th of February. This is obviously a blow to our pre season build up, but it is basically out of our control.

Even starting in early February, rather than mid January, it still gives us plenty of time to get the necessary practice in so that we hit the ground running on the opening day of the season. Winter nets are vital in order for us all to develop as players and as a team.

By Nick Shewring

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The new facilities are not finished