


Net options

Thank you for the replies received so far in response to preferred options for the club’s AGM.

All your views are taken very seriously and the responses received will be used to decide the day, time, and venue. However, during a tea time cricket chat at the Civic Centre today involving Nick, Pits and myself we have decided that there is no rush to stage the AGM as first thought.

The only issue of urgency is the booking of Winter practice. I say practice, because one of the potential options is to hire Enfield Grammar School and vary between a central strip practice or to use the nets. The other venue option is Hatfield for traditional nets.

With this in mind we have decided to ask for your preferences again by email. Booking is essential right now if we are to have any choice in terms of day and time. So please email your preference of venue, day and time to as soon as possible. (e.g Hatfield, Wed/Thurs, 8pm onwards)

If we can sort this out by email, we can then take our time over the AGM and stage it in a more relaxed atmosphere once the Christmas hullabaloo has died down.

By Jim Downing

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Where do we get back into the groove ?