


A Long Cold Empty Winter

The forecast is not good...

A long dark winter lies in front of us. Months of icy mornings and dark evenings await - all of them bereft of competetive cricket. It's a depressing prospect after such a great summer of cricket.

So how will we cope with the tedium?

One option is to visit the following link where you will find a nuber of activities to stave off the boredom:

This will only provide temporary relief (although their suggestion of rummaging through your neighbours rubbish is an interesting one).

There is one flickering light in the indoor cricket league.

Club officials are busily trying to make arrangements to get the rossers entered into a local league to provide that much needed winter cricket fix. The rules are complicated to it's recommended that interested parties undertake a bit of surfing to investigate the rules - links will be posted here in due course.

Watch this space for more information.

Fingers crossed!

By Nick Shewring

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Next summer seems a long way off!