


No nets

There will be no Wednesday night net this week. This is partly due to the season ending, but also due to a lack of regulars being available to make the session viable.

This in reality will probably mean that nets are now finished for the 2007 season. In terms of getting going for next season, the response from the web article asking players to email their views was virtually non existent.

From the lack of response, I will assume that you are all happy for myself and Nick to make the correct decision for the club. Phone calls will be made to Hatfield this week in order to find out what date we would have to start to guarantee the slot we want. Traditionally winter nets begin in January, but it may turn out we have to book in December to get the day and time we want.

The only fly in the ointment is the possibility of participating in an indoor winter league. Playing in a league and having a regular net may be too much to ask for on the pass front, but I am sure most squad members would jump at the chance if passes were not an issue.

On the subject of passes, it will probably serve us well that there is now a break from cricket to enable us to build up Brownie points before we enter the 2008 “Festival of Cricket”.

By Jim Downing

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Lots of points mean more matches next year
A bunch of flowers can do wonders on the pass front