


Addiction can lead to crazy behaviour

Five dedicated souls braved conditions more suited to a late November evening to practice the sport that has become like a drug.

Surely only addiction would see such madness as conditions were simply atrocious. The wind was virtually gale force, the rain was constant, and the light was more or less non existent. But with little regard to the conditions, the session went ahead and was very beneficial to all.

The white ball and the floodlights proved to be a success, and certainly enabled everyone to get a bat before play had to be abandoned.

The real star of the night was again Mark Cox. However, it wasn’t all plain sailing as batting in the dim light proved particularly difficult. But Mark’s batting has improved 10 fold over the past 3 weeks and he is the living embodiment of dedication and practice making you a better player. Mark now hits the ball with genuine power and the bat actually looks like his friend rather than his enemy. Coxy also bowled to a new level, demonstrating consistency and showed the ability to move the ball off the seam to devastating effect.

The club appreciate that it is not easy for everyone to get to nets, but the benefits are there for all to see. Club officials implore everyone to really make an effort this winter, so that we can take our team performance to a new level.

All players will soon be invited to offer their opinions on winter nets. (Day, time, venue, what date to start, etc)

For the record the 5 in attendance were : Mark Cox, Gareth Cox, Jim, Nick, and Shell.

By Jim Downing

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Cricket is the only drug you need