


Trust the BBC and head to Hoddy

The weather forecasts have been analysed by club officials and a gamble has been taking on booking Hoddesdon for this week’s Wednesday night net.

The club have placed their faith in the BBC forecast which suggests that any rain on Wednesday will have disappeared by the start of the net at 7pm. Players are advised to get their as early as possible as the light fades at around 8.30pm.

We will probably only get a few more outdoor nets in this season as the session length is getting shorter and shorter because of the light. Until the end of the season we will probably move back to Hatfield.

All club players will be canvassed shortly for their opinions on winter nets. The options include stopping altogether until just before Christmas, playing straight through to next season, and consider changing evenings and times.

An article will appear online and players will be asked to email the club with their personal preferences.

By Jim Downing

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The BBC say Hoddy will be fine