


Forward Planning by Marcus Rose

Over the last two weeks there have been many discussions within the Rose household regarding current commitments and the proposed events of the next couple of weeks.

We have had various family gatherings, business trips that have meant that I have had to work away and some forward planning due to the fact that my eldest son Kyle is now at an age where he is experiencing GCSE exams for the first time and only attending school for half day periods, which begged the question. What would he do before he went to school and who would be waiting at home for him when he returned early?

In short, as a family we needed to pull together to ensure that all events were covered and that we were there for each other.

Then, on the evening of Saturday 30th June, the master calendar that is pinned to the family notice board in the kitchen was turned over to show the Month of July.

As the page was turned there was an air of excitement in the household as the Month of July contains many exciting events.

Firstly, the end of the school year on the 20th leading to six weeks of unbridled joy and mayhem for the kids. The 27th sees the start of the Rose holiday in Spain . Sun sand and …….. Universal Theme Park, ensuring long, hot, adrenalin filled days.

Then our eyes were drawn back to the beginning of the month and I started to reel off my commitments. The 5th of July, Home v Jack of Diamonds. The 6th of July, Away v Edmonton School Teachers and then the big one.

The 15th July…… but wait. As I scrutinized the calendar the 15th jumped out at me like one of Bradley’s WWE wrestlers and it had me in a full nelson.

How could I be so stupid. How could I be so forgetful.

More to the point, how the **** was I going to pull this one off!

You see, the 15th July is a very important day, but not for the reasons that you are thinking. The 15th July also happens to be my youngest sons twelfth Birthday.

All of a sudden the selfish salesman that had performed so well in business was to the fore. Within seconds I had prepared a sales pitch for my son culminating in a big pay off if events went to plan. Suffice to say that there is now a family trip to Thorpe Park planned for the 14th and then a meal out for the whole family on the 15th….. All of the family bar one, who will be away playing cricket in the Cotswolds.

All I can say is that we had better win.

By Marcus Rose

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A WWF full nelson
Thorpe Park saves the day