


New speed limit, but same energy

Paul is back in full training following his back troubles and 100% ready for the 2012 challenge.

However, Rosaneri fans are unlikely to see the 90mph bursts that they have become used to and instead will have to adjust to Sinders on accurate medium pace with attitude.

The doctors have advised that Paul may be able to step up the pace again in small bursts if things feel ok. So we may see a pedestrian start to the season, but i strongly suspect the pace will step up when the first 4 is struck !

Paul may also have more of a role with the bat this year as in previous seasons he has shown that if given the chance he can bat very nicely and return with good runs.

Nazeing was the scene of Paul's back "incident" last year, but this year he returns hopeful of winning us the match as he has in previous years.

By Jim Downing

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No more 90mph