


A great day for charity

What a day - initial rain, a booking clash with a christening, an
inflatable castle that wouldn't inflate, a clash with the town show and
when the rain passed on, a chilly breeze.

At one point with Mike, Marcus, Jim and Shell standing around scratching
heads, it looked like day one of the latest Apprentice tasks.

But cometh the hour...the rain stopped, a replacement cable was sourced, a
fair crowd turned up (noticeably the Underwood clan and the Rose's) and the
third Family Fund Day / Charity event was soon well under way.  As the
prizes stacked up on the raffle table - easily 30-40 - it became very clear
that the generosity of those present (and some who weren't present) was

The cricket, as has often been the case on this day, was a little bit of a
mis-match and Enfield never really looked like losing, however, a great day
seemed to be had by all and with hundreds of raffle tickets sold, plus the
very kind donation of slush takings from Marcus, the day raised a total of

This has now all been counted (and verified) and sent off to the charity.

I have applied for matched funding, and if this comes through it will takes
the days total to £756 and the 3 year total to approx £2,366 - a truly
fantastic effort.

Well done and thank you to everyone involved for a fantastic day - that
early on, could easily have become a bit of a nightmare!

By Sheridan Leigh

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Our charity
A big thank you to The Noisy Drinks Company