


Net problems

The Wednesday night net session has been plunged into chaos, with news from Hatfield that the current session cannot be renewed due to the hall being used for exams.

Even worse is the fact that this situation will continue for at least 4 weeks. In a frantic bid to salvage some much needed midweek cricket, club officials have been chasing up all known leads for an indoor session. The outlook is bleak everywhere, with a similar story of exams at educational establishments everywhere.

The only ray of indoor light comes from Haileybury School who have promised us a call back in the morning to see what can be done. Even this is a feint hope, and it may be that we have to brave the drizzle and poor light and head outside.

Our preferred outside option with unpredictable weather is The John Warner Sports Centre in Hoddessdon. There are 6 outside nets in immaculate condition with full strips of astro turf wickets. Obviously, the time will have to be adjusted and it is likely we will plump for 8-9pm to catch the light.

A decision will be taken tomorrow morning and the website will be updated as soon as possible.

By Jim Downing

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The midweek net is vital