


Signs of spring

We are now over half way through February and the 2010 season is rapidly approaching. 

The nights are gradually getting longer and soon we will see the sight that has warmed cricketer’s hearts for centuries. 

That sight is the glory of the first flowering daffodil of spring.                                      

Once that first glorious golden delight has been noted all cricketer’s know that six months of joy and camaraderie are literally just round the corner. 

The golden yellow beauty of the daffodil will make itself apparent to us all over the next few weeks, but those associated with Rosaneri should keep an eye out for the rare pink daffodil !  

It is rare, but it is real.  

Urban legend has it amongst older Rosaneri fans that those who catch sight of a pink daffodil are destined for greatness during the forthcoming season. Could it be that the triple centurion Andy Underwood has a secret clump in his back garden ? 

The club shop are looking to carry a stock of bulbs for Autumn 2010. Watch this space for more details.

By Jim Downing

Click on image to enlarge..
The glory of spring
The rare pink daffodil