


Time to focus

Did you eat too much over Christmas ? 

Did you drink too much over Christmas ? 

The answer on most squad players lips I am sure is at least yes to one of the above. 

Maybe with the exception of Slaps who did a 20 mile run before he had a light pasta dish for his Christmas lunch and didn’t touch a drop of alcohol as he prepares to win the London Marathon. 

Club spies inform me that some over did it a lot more than others. Jimmy Mitch (picture) was photographed in China White on New Years Eve worse for wear, but at least he was wearing his 2009 RCC dog tags with pride !  

The season of excess is now over, and it is time that we got ourselves focussed and prepared for the 2010 season. 

Winter nets are due to commence by mid January and it would help everyone enjoy their season even more by carrying a little less weight and being a little fitter. 

We had a great season results wise last year and we must do all that we can to build on that platform for 2010. So being fit can only help. We don’t all have to be Olympic athlete standard, but we can all do a little bit more.

By Jim Downing

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The excess must stop