


Letter of thanks


Sheridan Leigh, on behalf of 

Enfield Rosaneri Cricket Club 

30th September 2009


Dear Roger and all at Enfield Cricket Club, 

On behalf of Rosaneri Cricket Club, can I once again offer our sincere thanks for allowing us to hold our charity and fun day at your ground. 

The day was a real success, and although we were perhaps not quite a match for Enfield on the Cricket field, I know all of our players and their families had a great day out. 

The generosity of all who attended really helped to make the charity raffle a success and the amount raised was 50% more than last year. 

For your information, the money raised was as follows –  

Raffle ticket sales and donations                                - £331.00
Donations from Noisy Drinks Company                       - £62.50
Donations from Steve Underwood's Photo sales           - £70.00 

Total sent to National Autistic Society                  - £473.50 

I have sent the cheque off to the National Autistic Society today and have requested a certificate to confirm how much the event raised.  Once received, I will ensure this is sent on to yourselves so it can be displayed on your notice board. 

In addition, I have requested that the funds are matched by the Lloyds Banking Groups charitable arm – should this be granted, the day will have raised £947.00 – again, I will keep you informed on this. 

Yours Faithfully 


Sheridan Leigh 

(on behalf of Enfield Rosaneri Cricket Club)

By Sheridan Leigh

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Well done all round