Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the Annual Rosaneri Charity & Family Day.
The cricket contest was a bit of a mismatch, but the off field activities were a huge success.
There were numerous generous acts for charity with the following needing particular thanks:
Sheridan for his wonderful organisation of the raffle and all his communication with officials at the National Autistic Society.
Marcus for the lone of the Slush machine and the donation of all proceeds from drinks sales to the charity.
Nicola Cox and her mystery assistant for their non stop dedication to the face painting stall.
Pete Best and Kirsty Tyrrell for their passionate selling of raffle tickets.
Mat Freeman for organising the bouncy castle.
Paul Sindrey for scoring and umpiring.
All those who donated prizes to the raffle.
Stephen Underwood for providing framed photographs to be auctioned.
Enfield Cricket Club for allowing the event to take place at Lincoln Road.
The total amount raised for charity will be announced shortly.