


Rosaneri get charitable

Not a headline you want to read in a match report, but following in the massive footsteps of those who ran the marathon in aid of a good cause, top of the order batsmen are leading the line in pledging money to charity, based on their performances this season.

Pitbull has pledged 10p per every run scored, 50p per catch taken and direct hit run out, whilst a rare wicket will see £1 going to charity. He says “If I can match last season’s stats, I look forward to donating 80p”.

He waffles on, “I think we have jumped on the breast cancer charity bandwagon a bit by taking the pink grips and using them for our identity. We should give something back in return, and it’s another motivation to do well on the pitch”.

All other members of the club are invited to take part with their own donating scheme. Contact Pitbull for more info.

By John Shuttlewood

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